butter london

Mani Monday: Black Lacquer Nails w/ Review on Butter London’s Steampunk Ball Golden Yard Nail Lacquer Duo

Mani Monday

Hey Lovies!

I wore a repeat polish in between these two colors, so I didn’t post a review. Prior to that, I was wearing Butter London’s Steampunk Ball Golden Yard Nail Lacquer Duo. The beautiful classic red applied evenly and opaque. The glitter topcoat was surprising opaque, as well. I could have gotten away with just using the gold on my ring finger. They were both easy to apply and remove. The lasting power, however, could have been better. I had full blown chips by the 6th day, so I recommend using a base and a top coat with both of them.

This week: I am wearing one of the new black colors in the Maybelline Color Show collection. I am really liking the finish of this polish- even on my 3rd day, it is still very shiny. I will let you know how it fares!

Mani Monday: NYE Nails With Review On Prior Formula X Nail Appliques

Mani Monday

Hey Lovies!

It has been a while, since I have posted a mani post, but I have been wearing Formula X’s nail applique’s for a few weeks now and interchanged between their 3D ones and regular ones. For two weeks I wore Second Skin, which is a 3D finish. This acted the same as the prior 3D nail appliques I wore. It applied already chipped, since it was hard to file down. Then to remove, it was so miserable. It really adheres to the nail rather tightly, so I needed to scrape the adhesive off. Which, of course, does damage to the nail beds. However, I did find the complete opposite experience with the regular nail appliques. I bought a duo pack, which included the candy cane stripes. This was an absolute pleasure to work with! It applied easily with no chips, lasted beautifully, and was not a nightmare to remove. I have to say they completely changed my mind about these appliques! If you have a chance to check them out, I would stray away from the 3D ones and stick to the basics.

Final Grade: 5/10 for the 3D and 10/10 for the regular appliques

This Week: I chose to go with a more NYE theme for my nails this week and of course I chose Butter London’s duo from the Steampunk collection. This was an awesome deal through Ulta on Black Friday and came out perfect for NYE. The application was wonderful and I am really enjoying the colors. I will let you know how it performs next week!

❤ Briana